4 Ways to Make Yourself Marketable

Do you ever wonder how some people manage their career in a way that seems – effortless?   A constant stream of plum projects, job opportunities, and even promotions seem to come easy and drop in their lap.

So how exactly do they do it, and more importantly, how can you do it?

The answer is “stickiness.”

In advertising, sticky products, companies, or brands keep people coming back for more.  The stickier the product, the more likely it will fly off the shelf and be in high demand.

In the business world, sticky employees stay employed longer, bounce back from setbacks quicker, and discover hidden job opportunities that non-sticky people never even know about.

Below are four ways to make yourself sticky…

1. Get excited about your career!
Sticky people enjoy their job and enjoy sharing information to help project teams and companies advance.  Having a great attitude, a sense of humor and a results-oriented, competitive spirit makes others want to be around you.

One more thing.  Confidence is a must.  Arrogance is a showstopper.
2. Become a jack-of-all-trades within an organization.
One way to be sticky is to become knowledgeable in several key areas so that you can float seamlessly between projects, teams, or even companies. This is an excellent strategy during turbulent times as companies are cutting staffs and shutting down lines of services.

Letting organizations know that you’re nimble, have two or three key skillsets, and add value in a variety of ways gives you a leading edge against other professionals they may be considering promoting, or hiring.

Another key ingredient for being sticky is having a professional network that’s deep and wide so that if you can’t answer a question or solve a problem, you know where to go to get the answer or support you need.
3. Carve out a niche for yourself.
Conversely to being a jack-of-all-trades is being an expert or the “go to” person in a specialized area.  Learn everything you can through training, reading books, and mentors and then apply it to your teams and projects.

Become “the source” for information and sharing your knowledge freely with others will help make you sticky and indispensable to an organization.


4. Be a resource to others.
People are the jet fuel behind your career.  They can promote you, hire you, or introduce you to others who could potentially hire you.  So whether you’re employed or not, having a powerful professional network is critical to your career.

The key is becoming a resource for others.  Send out quick e-mails with links to books, white papers, press releases, news articles, or websites that you think may interest those in your network.  Volunteer to introduce your connections to others who may help them solve a problem, offer advice, or potentially advance that person’s career.

One of the key benefits of being a key resource to others, is the more likely you are to get career support when you need it such as a personal recommendation or a new job lead!

 Your Assignment…

Make yourself sticky!

Identify three (3) people in your professional network who you could help RIGHT NOW by either giving them a piece of information, sharing some advice, or introducing them to someone else that you know.

By taking the time and initiative to help out others in your network, you’ll be creating a network who wants to help you advance your career.

The point is to take control of your career.  Making yourself sticky means that companies and others in your professional network look to you as a valuable resource.  So step up and get sticky!  You’ll find that you’re able to stay employed longer, bounce back from setbacks quicker, and managing the ups and downs of your career will seem – effortless!  Ahhhhhhh

How are you going to make yourself more marketable?  🙂

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Your Leadership Lab is a division of Career Coaching 360, LLC